Testing SwiftUI Tables

I maintain a macOS SwiftUI app whose user interface contains a Table, one with a bound sortOrder.

The app's Xcode project contains UI tests that exercise the sorting logic, by clicking on the column headers. These tests are really fragile. Odds are good that any new release of macOS, or Xcode, or SwiftUI, will break them.

I'm not sure why they're so fragile. I suspect the way SwiftUI generates the underlying view hierarchy for a Table may still be in flux.

In any case, here is what I'm currently using to click on the column headers of a SwiftUI Table. This is for macOS 13.1, Xcode 14.2, Swift 5.7, SwiftUI 4.2.11.

    private func clickTableColumnHeaders(tableEl: XCUIElement) {
        for column in tableEl.tableColumns.allElementsBoundByIndex {
            let height = column.frame.height
            // Assume the column header lies above the column.
            let y = CGFloat(-10.0)
            let offset = CGVector(dx: 0.5, dy: y / height)
            let coords = column.coordinate(withNormalizedOffset: offset)
            // Click twice to exercise both sort orders.