Fundamental Interconnectedness

From twitter:

@McFaul: Hey @Grady_Booch, I want to learn Python. Whats your recommendation for how at my stage in life?
@Grady_Booch: Hey @gvanrossum you have another fan.

Professor Michael McFaul is a former U.S. Ambassador to Russia.

Grady Booch is perhaps best known for developing UML.

Guido van Rossum is the creator of Python, the programming language (and community) that has made my professional life so interesting.

Suddenly I wonder: is my twitter feed the product of a travesty generator?

Generics, Protocols and Associated Types

My desire to revisit priority queues was driven by "Classic Computer Science Problems in Swift: Essential techniques for practicing programmers". This book is a fun read. It's almost like reliving my sophomore year in college. It makes me feel young again ;)

I haven't written much Swift code that defined generics and protocols with associated types. These concepts aren't hard to understand, but as a long-time Python developer, I find Swift's boilerplate distracting and sometimes hard to read. When I get it wrong, the compiler error messages usually leave me scratching my head.

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A Stark Beauty

Taos Junction"It has a stark beauty all its own. It's like much of the high desert of the United States."
— Neil Armstrong

When I first looked down on the Taos Junction bridge from the top of the Picuris trail, I thought of Neil Armstrong's description of the lunar landscape. Little did I know that Apollo astronauts had trained just a few feet away.

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